Thursday, February 19, 2009

Update on the website and snow forecast for tomorrow

So, real quick, a short forecast for a small snow event here in Minnesota. Doesnt even really look like anything worth me posting about it but its the most active weather we've had here in Minnesota for over a month. FCST: Alberta clipper will move southeast across the region on Friday. Looks like the "heaviest" (using that word lightly) will stay southeast of the Twin Cities. Maybe up to 2 inches across central and south central Minnesota. For us here in the Twin Cities, GFS and WRF show light snow lingering through most of the day, eventually possibly accumulating to an inch, maybe an inch and a half if we get lucky.

WEBSITE UPDATE: I have the equipment and bio pages done. 2006-2008 chase pages are funtional, but the only dates I actually have complete are May 31st (only partially done) and June 5th. May 25th is functional but I dont have hardly any content in it. Dont pay attention to some of the pictures on the tabs for the chase dates, they are just default pictures from the hosting company and I haven't had time to change them yet. Its amazing how much time and work I have put in so far and how much I have left to do. I know there is a long way to go but take a look around and let me know what you think. More updates later.

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